Ad site and consulting services
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1.1. The personal data of individual users of the service are processed by the Company PERPRICE HOLDING LTD, a legal entity registered under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus, located in the Republic of Cyprus (hereinafter - the Company). The Company is the owner of the user personal details database.

1.2. The user personal details database is managed by the Company PERPRICE HOLDING LTD, which is established and operates under the laws of the Republic of Cyprus (this country is a party to the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data and is a member of the European Economic Area) and is located in the Republic of Cyprus.

1.3. Database is processed by the Company PERPRICE HOLDING LTD.

1.4. This Privacy Policy describes the procedure established by the Company for the processing of personal data collected through the website (hereinafter - the Website), and related services and tools that allow users to register on the Website, publish or view already published classifieds in real time, use another service related to the abovementioned. In all these cases, the Company processes personal data of users exclusively within the framework of the requirements of the Law of Ukraine “On Personal Data Protection” and the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data. This Privacy Policy is designed in accordance with the provisions of these documents.

1.5. By using the Website and/or other related services and tools of, the User provides the Company his/her consent to the processing of his/her personal data, such as username; region of residence, e-mail address, contact phone number, other contact information at the discretion of the user; IP-addresses, other communication data of users; messages, letters, statements transmitted to the user by other users and vice versa, and also gives his/her consent to the transfer of his/her personal data to third parties, including the transfer of personal data abroad, to any third country, in accordance with this Privacy Policy and User Agreement.

1.6. Users should be aware that when following certain links placed on the Website or in a mobile application, they can be redirected to the websites (applications, etc.) of other companies outside the Company's hosting space, where information about the Users is collected outside the direct control of the Company. In this case, the Privacy Policy of third-party websites and/or applications will regulate the processing of information received from users by these third parties.


2.1. Account Information: When the User creates an account on the Website, the Company may require certain information, such as a valid email address and a password. The account includes such information as geographic location, first and last name, phone number and related information, including photos, which users can upload to their account. (An account allows users to contact each other to express interest in their offers.) Users are responsible for all information they post in publicly accessible accounts. The User should carefully consider all the risks associated with the fact that he/she makes certain information, in particular, the address or information about the place of his/her exact location, publicly available. If the User chooses to log in using a third-party authentication service, such as Facebook information, the Company may receive an additional profile, or other information, access to which is provided by such third party.

2.2. Classifieds: Within the framework of the activity of its website, the Company may post information, including personal and contact information, necessary for sending messages, communication between users and making payments. All the information needed to publish classifieds is required when creating an account. Users are responsible for all information posted by them on the website. The User should carefully consider all the risks associated with the fact that he/she makes certain information, in particular, the address or other personal information, publicly available.

2.3. Games, Advertising and Promotion: Within the framework of operations of its website, the Company may collect personal information such as a name and contact information when users participate in games, quizzes and other marketing campaigns organized by the Company on the Website or on the third-party websites. As part of the activities of its website, the Company may also process information related to the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, including information about what classifieds were viewed on the Website and on third-party websites.

2.4. Customer service: When the User contacts the customer service department, the Company may, as part of its website operations, collect the personal information necessary to fulfill the User's request and to receive feedback if necessary. The Company may also contact the User using the existing account contact information provided for this purpose. The Company may also collect other information about communication with the Users, for example, any support requests submitted by the Users, or any feedback provided by them.

2.5. Website and mobile data: the Company can automatically receive and register information from the user's browser or any device, including the IP address, software and hardware attributes, pages requested by the User, mobile identifiers, application usage information, and/or information about other used devices or system level information on its servers. This can occur on the Website, in a mobile application, or on the services of third parties. Additional information on how users can control and / or block such collection of information can be found in Section 6 of this Policy.

2.6. Information obtained as a result of surveys: the Company may collect and store information obtained as a result of surveys, which may be conducted by the Company or third-party contractors attracted by the Company, namely, information regarding gender, age, marital status, personal preferences, etc.

2.7. Attached information: the Company may also add information legally obtained from business partners or third parties to the Company's existing data about its users.

2.8. Information available from user profiles on multi-user Internet platforms (social networks): By registering on the Website, or entering the website using social network authentication services, the User provides the Company consent to the collection and processing of information available from the corresponding profiles in social networks, as well as to the publication in relevant social networks of information about the actions of the User on the Website and/or in a mobile application.

Information not collected and not processed by the Company:

The Company does not collect or process personal data on racial or ethnic origin, political, religious or ideological convictions, membership in political parties and trade unions, or similar information.


3.1. Within the framework of activity of its website, the Company may collect certain information using such technologies as cookies, pixels, and local storage.

3.2. COOKIES are small text files that store information directly on the user's computer, mobile phone, or other device.

3.3. Pixels are small digital images that are part of the codes on web pages that allow another server to measure the visibility of a web page and are often used in combination with cookies. The code tracks if and when (and on which page) a pixel is downloaded to indicate that the user is interacting with a page or part of a page of the Website.

3.4. Using cookies, the web server can save, for example, preferences and settings on the user's computer, his/her mobile phone or other device (s), which is then automatically restored on the next visit. Or, in other words, cookies serve, among other things, to make usage of the Website more convenient, for example, so that the User does not have to repeat the login process at the next visit. The Company uses both persistent and session cookies. Persistent cookies remain on the user's computer for a longer period of time, and session cookies are automatically deleted when the browser window is closed.

3.5. The Company may allow third parties, such as advertising and / or analytical service providers, to collect information using these types of technologies directly on the Website’s web page or in a mobile application. The data they collect is subject to protection under the current privacy policies of these third parties.


4.1. To provide its services, the Company may use the information that the Company collects and places for the following purposes:

4.1.1. customer servicing, including for creating and managing user accounts, solving technical difficulties and accessing various functions;

4.1.2. adaptation of offers and experience, including advertising on its services or services of third parties;

4.1.3. control of the general and individual activity of Users, such as search by keywords and activity on the publication of classifieds, as well as control of traffic on the Website;

4.1.4. communication with our users, including on issues of service, customer service or authorized marketing communications through any available communication channels;

4.1.5. conducting research and analytical activities in order to improve our service; and

4.1.6. ensuring compliance with the User Agreement of services, including the fight against fraud and insults;

4.1.7. evaluation of some personal information factors, in particular, for analyzing and predicting personal preferences, interests, behavior or location.

4.2. The Company will store your personal data as long as necessary to achieve the goals for which they are collected, including the fulfillment of any legal, accounting or reporting requirements.

To determine the appropriate storage period, the Company takes into account the volume, nature and sensitivity of personal data, the potential risk of harm from an unauthorized use or disclosure of your personal data, the purposes for which the Company processes your personal data, and whether the Company can achieve these goals through other means, and relevant legal requirements.

If you have questions regarding the data retention period, please contact us via the feedback form.


5.1. The Company may share the information it collects with affiliates (companies operating on a common basis) located in a third country. These companies can only process and use the personal data obtained for the purposes specified in clause 4 of this Privacy Policy. However, the transmitted data remains subject to this Privacy Policy.

5.2. The Company does not provide personal information of users to non-affiliated persons, except for cases when there is a corresponding permission of the Users, or in the following circumstances:

5.3. The Company may use third-party service providers to provide certain components of its services, in such cases the suppliers do not have the authority to use the personal data obtained through the Company's website otherwise than to provide services to the Company, and the personal data are the subject of this Privacy Policy.

5.4. In accordance with the requirements of the legislation the Company reserves the right to exchange information with private individuals and government bodies for the following purposes:

combating fraud and abuse on the Website;

investigating alleged violations of the law or combating any other alleged violations of the User Agreement of services by Users.

5.5. The Company may provide personal data of users upon requests of the competent authorities, designed in accordance with the requirements of the law, including in accordance with Art. 93 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine.

5.6. In accordance with the Privacy Policy, the Company undertakes not to lease or sell any personal data of the User. In the event that the Company's business or part of this business is sold or reorganized, and the Company transfers all or almost all of its assets to the new owner, the personal data of the users can be transferred to the buyer in order to ensure the continuity of the Website service.

5.7. The Company may transfer certain anonymized information (data that does not allow identifying Users individually) to third-party service providers, trusted partners or authorized researchers in order to better understand what advertising or services may be of interest to Users, to improve the overall quality and effectiveness of services on the Website or to ensure their contribution to research, which, in the opinion of the Company, can bring great social benefits.

5.8. The Company may transfer the information it collects to third parties that provide the services to the Company for the purpose of conducting research or providing services to Users, and the data that is transmitted is subject of this Privacy Policy, and third parties involved are not allowed to use the information received, otherwise than for the provision of services to the Company.

5.9. In cases of transfer of personal data provided for in this Section 5 of the Privacy Policy, notification of the User about the transfer of his/her personal data remains at the discretion of the Company.


6.1. Access, Correction and Deletion: Users who have created an account, or have placed classifieds on the Website, can access, correct or delete the information they provide. The User is responsible for the accuracy of the data provided, or messages on the Website. If the User’s account was created through an identity provider (for example, Facebook Connect), the User can also disable or change account information through the identity provider settings (for example, on The posted information can be changed or deleted in the user's personal account "My Profile" on the web page of the Website, or in the application. The Company may terminate the processing of the User’s personal data in the event of receiving a written notice from the User regarding the withdrawal of consent to the processing of personal data.

6.2. The choice of external persons: some external agents operating on the website, for example, Google Adwords, allow users to withdraw their consent to the collection and use of their data for advertising based on user activity. For more information and possibility of choices, please visit

6.3. Cookies: Most of the commonly used computer (desktop) and mobile web browsers (for example, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Chrome, Opera) provide controls that allow the user to restrict or block the installation of Cookies in your systems. Please note that disabling cookies with respect to the first category domains (visited websites) and other domains (related websites) may lead in some cases to the limited functionality of these websites.

6.4. Other rights of Users related to the processing of their personal data by the Company:

6.4.1. To know about the location of the personal data database containing the personal data of users, its purpose and name, location of the owner and managers of personal data or to give the appropriate order to provide this information to the persons authorized by the users of the Website, except as required by law;

6.4.2. To receive information about the conditions for granting access to personal data, including information about third parties to which the personal data of users of the Website are transmitted;

6.4.3. To have access to own personal data;

6.4.4. To receive no later than in thirty calendar days from the date of the request, except as required by law, whether his/her personal data is being processed and to receive the content of such personal data;

6.4.5. To submit a reasoned request to the owner of personal data with an objection to the processing of personal data;

6.4.6. To submit a reasoned request to change or destroy personal data by the owner and / or manager of personal data, if these data are processed illegally or are unreliable;

6.4.7. To protect personal data from unlawful processing and accidental loss, destruction, damage due to deliberate concealment, non-provision or untimely provision, as well as protection from providing information that is inaccurate or discredits honor, dignity and business reputation;

6.4.8. To lodge complaints about the processing of personal data with state authorities and officials authorized to ensure the protection of personal data, or apply to the court;

6.4.9. To apply legal remedies in case of violation of personal data protection legislation;

6.4.10. To withdraw consent to the processing of personal data;

6.4.11. To know the mechanism of automatic processing of personal data;

6.4.12. To the protection from an automated decision that has legal consequences for users of the Website.


7.1. All information which we reasonably collect is protected by technical means and security procedures in order to prevent unauthorized access or use of data. Affiliates, reliable partners and third-party service providers undertake to use information obtained from the Company in accordance with our security requirements and this Privacy Policy.


8.1. This Privacy Policy was last updated on 04.02.2019. The Company may update this Privacy Policy from time to time, the new version of the Privacy Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted in the Internet at the address specified in this paragraph, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Privacy Policy. The current version of the Privacy Policy is always on the page at

8.2. If the Company has made any changes to the Privacy Policy with which the User does not agree, he/she must stop using the services of the Website. The fact of continued use of the website is a confirmation of the consent and acceptance by the User of the corresponding version of the Privacy Policy.